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Green Landscape
Welcome to
East Quincy Highlands II
Homeowners Association


AMI - Advanced Management, LLC is pleased to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as your new management company effective July 1, 2024. We look forward to serving your community and working with your elected Board of Directors to manage operations; provide you with necessary information, responses and communication; preserve community assets, and assist with adherence to your established governing documents. The rules and regulations of the HOA remain the same, however the payment location and communication channel for your HOA has changed.  Important portal login and payment information has been emailed to all. If you have not received it. Please contact us HERE.
PAYMENTS: See details Linked Here.


The next HOA payment is due on April 1, 2025!

Effective January, 2025 the HOA dues are $160 per quarter due on 1st January, 1st April, 1st July, and 1st October each year.

If you have Autopay set up, update the amount due to $160 per quarter. Click here for more details.


See details Linked Here and follow simple instructions on this video:


Thinking of making improvements to your yard or fence, painting the house, or getting a new roof? As a reminder, all property improvements must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee if any part of the project will be visible from the streets, sidewalks, or by a neighbor. Visit the Architectural Control page for more details.


Landscaping of each home must be maintained in a clean and attractive condition and in good repair. All landscaping must be regularly maintained in a neat and trim manner. Dead or dying plants and weeds should be removed. Please water, mow, edge and trim your yard regularly and trim or prune your bushes and trees. Thank you!


Remember to clear the snow from your sidewalks!

As a resident or property owner, it is your responsibility to keep city sidewalks adjacent to your property free and clear of snow and ice, even though the sidewalks may be behind or outside the rear and side fences and adjacent to any street. Snow and ice must be removed within 24 hours after a snowfall ends, and 48 hours after a snow emergency is declared by the city.

CO HB 23-1105 Notice Posting

The Homeowners’ Association Task Force has been created by HB23-1105 with its members to be appointed by August 1, 2023. The purpose of the task force is to examine issues confronting HOA homeowners’ rights, including an HOA’s fining authority and practices, foreclosure practice, and communications with HOA homeowners regarding association processes and homeowner rights and responsibilities. If you have questions about the task force, please contact the HOA Information Office and Resource Center, which is a program of the Division of Real Estate. You may find more information about this program, including contact information, at the HOA Center of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies.

The task force will hold its first meeting after its members have been designated and appointed. 

In addition to the HOA task force, there is a metro district homeowners’ rights task force that will be reviewing similar matters for metro districts, including the processes for tax levying and processes for metro districts who transition from a metro district that enforces covenants and collects assessments into a common interest community. 

Metro district task force members will be designated or appointed by November 1, 2023 with its first meeting to follow as soon as practicable after that date.

As with HOAs, a metro district is required to notify its residents about the task force prior to the task force holdings its first meeting.


COVID-19 Resources 

Join the Board

There is still an open position on the Board of Directors. The Board meets every other month or on a quarterly basis. They oversee covenants, neighborhood improvements and various other projects. Board meetings will be posted on the website with information for how to join online. If you are interested in being part of this integral part of our community, please contact us.

Join the Architectural Control Committee

We have an Open ACC Review Position. Contact us for more details.

Has your contact information changed? Let us know!

East Quincy Highlands II HOA is dedicated to ensuring the beauty, safety, and stability of the area while promoting neighborliness and pride among the residents, and forming a base for representation in matters affecting the community. 

© 2024

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